Back, Neck, and Shoulder Massage with Balm

Deep Relief and Warming Care for Strained Areas

This special massage combines targeted techniques to release muscle tension in the back, neck, and shoulders with the use of a warming and regenerative balm. The balm penetrates deeply into the muscles, alleviating pain and stiffness while revitalizing the skin. This procedure is ideal for anyone seeking intense relief from pain and a long-lasting feeling of lightness.

Price list

Benefits of Massage with Balm:

The warming balm enhances circulation and relaxes stiff muscles.

➢ Helps alleviate pain caused by stress, poor posture, or physical strain.

➢ Improves mobility in the shoulder and neck area.

➢ Provides deep relaxation and promotes overall body regeneration.

➢ Natural ingredients in the balm hydrate and nourish the skin.

General information

➢ Masáž probíhá na lůžku, přičemž intimní partie jsou vždy zakryty ručníkem.

➢ Intenzitu masáže a množství balzámu lze přizpůsobit vašim potřebám.

➢ Doporučujeme proceduru opakovat 1x týdně pro dlouhodobé benefity.

Před masáží se vyhněte těžkým jídlům a zajistěte si klidový režim po proceduře.

Po masáži doporučujeme dostatečný příjem tekutin pro podporu detoxikace těla.

Why come to us for a massage?

masaze praha


A great atmosphere for perfect relaxation thanks to the harmony of music, light and fragrance

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Thajský masér

Professional masseuses

You will be massaged by our professional masseuses with many years of experience and thousands of hours of massage

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Masáž zad

Absolute peace

It will be just you and your masseuse in the massage room, for complete peace and privacy

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Purchase vouchers

You want to give those you care about a break from stress and tension. Make them happy with our elegant gift voucher and let them taste a piece of Thailand.